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Bérénice Dode already a champion!
Bérénice is 15 years old and she is France champion of Slopestyle.
She already stepped up several times onto the podiums of Slopestyle’s Europe championships.
In 2021 she won the  Les Arcs’ European stage in Big Air.

At just 17 years old, her goals for the 2022-2023 season are solidifying: she is expected to compete in the World Cup, the Junior World Championships and is aiming for the European Cup podium.

Bérénice has been passionate about freestyle skiing since she was very young.

TNDA, in agreement with the values of performance and surpassing oneself, is happy to continue this sponsorship and to be at her side for her future podiums!

Pro bono

TNDA is committed to the RoseUp association to support women affected by cancer.

Our team offers its advice to RoseUp members, in a spirit of solidarity and shared expertise.

RoseUp is a national association recognized as being in the public interest.

Since 2011, it has supported women in their personal and professional lives, informing them and defending their rights in the face of illness.

Since January 2023, the firm has been providing volunteer support to RoseUp members, in the field of employment law, via a telephone hotline.

For more information on the association, visit their website and watch the replay of a webinar produced for members by the firm, in partnership with the association, on the theme of “your rights in the event of cancer”.


Since 2008, “Les Micycles” is the theater association of the student lawyers of the EFB, the professional training school of the bars within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal.

Its activities revolve around two poles: improvisation and the collective project of staging a play. This year, the troupe is staging Agatha Christie’s The Spider’s Web.

TNDA is passionate about theater and appreciative of the EFB troupe’s approach, and is delighted to support young contemporary artists and future colleagues as they enter the profession.